What is most important in life
Chapter 1: Thinking about life Chapter 2: What kind of life? Chapter 3: Why we need eternal life
Chapter 1: Thinking about life
There was once a little boy who was about five years old. He had not yet started going to school and he spent most of his time at home.
One day, he felt very sad. He was thinking about something and he could not find good answers to his questions. He was sitting on the floor in his mother's room. He wanted to know how he would live his life and what would happen to him. He had heard some people say, "Our lives are fated", that is, our lives are already fixed and what will happen will happen. What we decide, how we choose would not change what would happen to us. This troubled him.
He asked himself the question, "If I choose to go to the kitchen, is it because it is already fixed that it will happen?" Then he thought, "No, I will be smart and choose not to go to the kitchen!" Soon after that, he thought, "But maybe it is already planned that I would think about going to the kitchen and then choose not to go to the kitchen." He felt very upset when he thought about this. If every thing that he were to do were already planned and fixed, what then would be the meaning of his choice? How could he know if this was true or not? Could he really choose and decide how he would live his life or was it all planned for him and already set and could not be changed?
I was that little boy many years ago and I was very unhappy because I could not find meaningful answers to my questions. Since that time, I have thought about these and other questions about life and I am not sad anymore. I am very joyful because I have found good answers to my questions and life is very meaningful now. I will try to share with you what I have learnt.
You may also be asking questions about life and you too may be troubled because you have not found satisfying answers to these questions. Even if you are young, you can learn about the meaning of life and prepare for the time ahead of you. If you are growing up and active and busy, do not think that there will always be enough time to find out later because we do not know how long we will live.
If you are already old, it is important to find out now and prepare for life after death. In this book, we can learn together so that we can live well and find true meaning in our hearts.
What do you think?
What question was the little boy thinking about which made him unhappy?
Would you also be troubled if you could not find the answer to such a question?
Do you think that answers to such a question and other questions about life will help you to live a better life?
We need to learn, wisely to think
Otherwise, the boat of our life will sink.